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Site Info

This site info page tells you about the essential website posts.

  • About us: we tell you all about UK WIT.
  • Recent Posts: this is the blog section, of course.
  • Contact us: but please allow time for a reply
  • Home Page: our main landing page, so please bookmark us.
  • Privacy policy: and cookie policy – both together.
  • Submit A Post: you may submit your funny observations of everyday life here.
  • Terms & Conditions: Please read them!
  • Witty Forum: message boards for jokes and humour stories – a fun place to be, so please join in. Indeed, the domain name for the fun message boards is Furthermore, we call it, The Fuckwit Forum, now that is funny!

Firstly, this page only contains links to other website information at UK WIT. Of course, these links are normally available through the tabs above. However, just click the appropriate link here if you like.

The information pages above tell you all you need to know about the UK Wit Blog. Indeed, even if you skip these pages you should know that we are all about fun.

Moreover, you can also join in with the fun. So don’t hang around and stop lurking. Indeed, chill out and post something funny on the UK Wit Network!

UK Wit: Site Info: Winston Churchill with his two fingers up.

The UK Wit website also has a Witty Forum alongside the Witty Blog. So now you can have witty banter in two places on our humorous website.

British wit and humour are, without doubt, the best in the world. However, we don’t mind where you are from, laughter is the best medicine and humour is universal. With this in mind, join us here on the Witty Blogs or join the message boards that we call the Fuckwit Forum.

So, should you have any good jokes or find something funny – let us know today! Indeed, anyone can join the UK Wit Forum as long as you have a sense of humour. We also have many off-topic forums for the fuckwit idiots who can’t string two words together.

The UK Wit website has the best of both worlds – some Fun Forums called Fuckwit and a funny blog. So, join us and post your random funny observations today. Of course, it doesn’t matter what you post as long as it is funny to YOU. However, please be aware that your posts are all your responsibility.

Stay legal at all times and be careful with political correctness. This is because there are some weird people out there who have no sense of humour whatsoever. Even the awkward politicians are trying to stop laughter and attempting to dumb us down. Both politicians and the politically correct arse wipes are Fuckwits. So it’s not surprising that we poke fun at them.

Freddie Starr ate my hamster headlines.
Indeed, we all remember the headline ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’, but did he?